Survey Design Tidbit #2

In case you didn’t know, today is iPod Day and I still use mine for two reasons: convenience and simplicity.

You might feel like Jimmy Fallon right now but there’s a good reason why I brought this up.

survey questions

Just like an iPod, a survey should be straightforward and convenient.

These tidbits are on a mission and that is to take your survey to a whole new level:

    • Don’t ask riddles, keep your questions simple. Just to be clear, I am not encouraging you to ask trivialities; instead, your survey questions must be relevant and coherent. Please pay close attention to how you word them.
    • Time is of the essence, keep it short and sweet. You need to keep your participants engaged and be respectful of their time; therefore, I recommend asking between 10 to 15 questions per survey. Take a look at your draft and remove anything that comes off as redundant.

More survey design tidbits are yet to come! For now, what song did you have on repeat?

Eduardo E Sierra

I am a freelance marketing consultant. I design practical surveys and carry out data analysis for clients ranging from small businesses and startups to multinational corporations.