Let’s Fix This Survey Together


Let’s go over last week’s product satisfaction survey together and make the necessary adjustments.

survey review

We’ll begin by moving a couple of questions around.

Screen Out

Q10 and Q11 can serve as screening questions; therefore, they must go to the beginning of our survey. We don’t have to include both questions, it’ll depend on how we want to measure product usage.

When our respondents select the “I do not use [the product]” option on either question, they shouldn’t be allowed to continue with the survey.

Why? Because they are not our target audience.

Going back to Q10, two multiple choice options are overlapping and this can leave participants puzzled. So instead of leaving the “6-12 months” option as-is, we must change it to “7-12 months” to avoid any confusion when responding.

Likert Scale Questions

Once we’ve screened our respondents, they’ll move onto the Likert Scale questions (Q1-Q9).

Whoa, wait! Q3, Q4 and Q6 are double-barreled questions. What this means is that respondents are being asked two things in a single question; therefore, they must be broken up.

So instead of “[The product] is easy to use and manageable“, let’s separate this into two statements: “[The product] is easy to use” and “[The product] is manageable“.

Same thing goes with both Q4 and Q6.

Word of Mouth

Wouldn’t it be nice to know if our customers are spreading the good word about our product to others? Then Q9 works best as an NPS question!

Let’s change the question to: How likely are you to recommend [product] to others?

And we’ll set a scale of 0-10 where 0 is “Not At All Likely” and 10 is “Very Likely“.

Just by doing these changes, we’ve optimized our product satisfaction survey!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Eduardo E Sierra

I am a freelance marketing consultant. I design practical surveys and carry out data analysis for clients ranging from small businesses and startups to multinational corporations.