Let’s Talk About Exploratory Data Analysis

Hey there!

Aside from survey design, I also take care of data analysis. This week I want to show you something important that I do with large datasets and that is exploratory data analysis.

Very important: the New York City Airbnb Open Data dataset that I’ll be using is public and can be found in Kaggle.

Moving forward, I’ll be doing basic exploratory data analysis using Python. The first step is importing these two Python libraries for data analysis:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Also, these Python libraries for data visualization:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Since I am working with a .csv file, Pandas makes it easy to convert it into a DataFrame which I’ll name it nyc:
nyc = pd.read_csv('AB_NYC_2019.csv')

Now let’s get the head of the DataFrame that I just created:


It’s time to do some basic exploratory data analysis!

For example, I want to know what the average price per night is in NYC:

Answer: 152.7206871868289

Then I want to know how many AirBnB listings are in each NYC borough:

This is how it pans out:
Manhattan 21661
Brooklyn 20104
Queens 5666
Bronx 1091
Staten Island 373

For a visual representation, here’s a nice countplot using Seaborn:
sns.countplot(y='neighbourhood_group', data=nyc, palette='coolwarm', order=nyc['neighbourhood_group'].value_counts().index)

Let’s dive a bit deeper: what’s the average price per night in each NYC borough?
nyc[nyc['neighbourhood_group']=='Manhattan']['price'].mean() …and so forth for each borough.

Answer: 196.8758136743456

Here’s a small DataFrame to show you how this looks:
borough_data = pd.DataFrame({'Avg. Price': [196.8758136743456, 124.38320732192598, 114.81233243967829, 99.51764913519237, 87.4967919340055]},
index=['Manhattan', 'Brooklyn', 'Staten Island', 'Queens', 'Bronx'])

borough_data.index.names = ['Borough']

Ok, but which NYC neighborhoods have the most listings?

This is how it pans out:
Williamsburg 3920
Bedford-Stuyvesant 3714
Harlem 2658
Bushwick 2465
Upper West Side 1971
Hell's Kitchen 1958
East Village 1853
Upper East Side 1798
Crown Heights 1564
Midtown 1545

For a visual representation, here’s another nice countplot:
sns.countplot(y='neighbourhood', data=nyc, palette='viridis', order=nyc['neighbourhood'].value_counts().index[:10])

Now, what are the type of listings in NYC?

This is how it pans out:
Entire home/apt 25409
Private room 22326
Shared room 1160

I love graphs so here’s another one!
sns.countplot(x='room_type', data=nyc, palette='plasma', order=nyc['room_type'].value_counts().index)

As you can see, I kept this EDA short and sweet. There’s a major reason why I do exploratory data analysis: it gives me a better outlook on the data which enables me to discover new insights.

Now I can dig deeper to find out answers to questions like:

  • What’s the most popular NYC neighborhood for people who book on AirBnB?
  • What’s the average price per night for an apartment in Chelsea? And how does it compare to the same type of listing in Greenwich Village?
  • Is there any correlation between price and reviews? Or between the type of listing and availability?
  • Can I predict prices to set a better rate for an AirBnB listing in Park Slope?

The sky’s the limit!

Eduardo E Sierra

I am a freelance marketing consultant. I design practical surveys and carry out data analysis for clients ranging from small businesses and startups to multinational corporations.