Some Tips to Improve Survey Structure

This week, I decided to take on a different approach and just like my surveys, I want to keep it concise.

Today’s topic: useful tips on survey structure.

Just like the title of the Radiohead song, keep everything in its right place.  This concept can significantly reduce survey abandonment; while providing useful, unbiased feedback.

Try this:

– Start off your survey with inviting, straightforward questions.  Your respondents will feel at ease and likely to move forward.

– Stay on topic and avoid confusing questions.  Also, watch out for any repetitive or biased questions that can hinder data quality.

– Place the demographic questions at the end of the survey.  Respondents might not feel comfortable answering these questions from the get-go.

– Diversify the type of questions to prevent survey fatigue.  For example, instead of having dichotomous questions, include multiple-choice, Likert scales and open-ended questions.

When it comes to survey structure, there’s still a lot of ground to cover and I’ll go into more details in the upcoming weeks.

Do you have any survey structure tips that you’d like to share?

Eduardo E Sierra

I am a freelance marketing consultant. I design practical surveys and carry out data analysis for clients ranging from small businesses and startups to multinational corporations.