Survey Design Tidbit #4: Skip Logic

Hello, how’s everyone doing?

Please don’t forget about your survey’s logic flow.

As I’ve mentioned before, it’s important to keep your questions relevant; therefore, adding skip logic is a great way to keep your respondents engaged.

Let me expand further, the other day I took a survey about mobile devices. One of the questions asked me to select the devices that I currently own, I checked the appropriate boxes and moved forward. Even though I didn’t check the ‘handheld game console’ box, I was asked several questions about this type of device. Fortunately, I was able to skip these questions.

It’s not necessary to ask every single question and this is where skip logic comes in handy. When you are designing a survey, don’t be afraid to let respondents skip questions or even entire sections. In order to ask relevant questions, pay close attention to how the response choices flow towards survey completion.

Very important: before sending out your survey, don’t forget to test the skip logic to ensure that your respondents will have the best experience possible.

Let your survey flow and gain some useful data!

Eduardo E Sierra

I am a freelance marketing consultant. I design practical surveys and carry out data analysis for clients ranging from small businesses and startups to multinational corporations.