Using UX Research to Your Advantage (Part 2)

Since I covered information on UX research last week, I want to talk briefly about its benefits and several research techniques that you can apply.

The Benefits of Conducting UX Research

1) Ability to design products and services to satisfy customer needs. A good UX research keeps companies from improvising; therefore, reducing costs significantly.

2) You can detect product or service issues on time. Rather than compromising the customer’s UX, you can make the necessary adjustments and move forward.

3) Identifying new opportunities and customer needs is much easier through UX research. Remember, we live in a world where consumer trends change almost on a daily basis.

4) It gives you insights to how the user perceives and responds to your product or service. You can use it to measure customer satisfaction.

UX Research Techniques

1) User Testing Platforms: there are plenty of online platforms where users are given specific tasks to test everything from mobile apps and websites to prototypes. In some cases, the user interaction and their real-time commentary is recorded to collect insights.

2) Surveys and Analytics: you can design different types of surveys to collect feedback on user experience. For example, if you want to gain information on customer perception, you could ask questions related on usability, functionality and trustworthiness.

3) Focus Groups and Interviews: both conducted in an informal setting.  These can be a good source of insights on products and services.

It’s a great idea to conduct this type of research. Feel free to reach out if you need help with your UX research.

Eduardo E Sierra

I am a freelance marketing consultant. I design practical surveys and carry out data analysis for clients ranging from small businesses and startups to multinational corporations.