An Effortless Way to Define Your Survey Goals

In my previous post, I mentioned something extremely important.

When you set a clear survey goal or objective, you’ll get reliable data that’ll help you make better and informed decisions.

So, how do you set a survey goal?

1. Ask yourself: What do I want to know?

Let me give you some examples:

      • I want to know my Net Promoter Score.
      • I want to understand purchasing patterns and behaviors.
      • I want to measure employee engagement at my company.
      • I want to know who the early technology adopters are.

I could go on and on and on!

2. Once the purpose is defined, move on to: Who’s my target audience?

If you are running an NPS survey, you’ll want to reach out to customers who buy your products or use your services. If it’s a UX survey for a prototype, you can define your audience through filters (e.g., OS and device usage, geographic regions, employment and education levels).

Let’s say you work for an airline and want to gauge passenger experience for a recent flight, who would be the ideal target audience?

If you want to gain relevant insights, you must tap into a suitable audience.

Once you’ve answered these two questions, you can move forward and start writing survey questions. I’ll leave that one for another post though!

Remember, if you need help defining survey goals and objectives, feel free to get in touch and I’ll walk you through the entire process.


Eduardo E Sierra

I am a freelance marketing consultant. I design practical surveys and carry out data analysis for clients ranging from small businesses and startups to multinational corporations.